Sacrifice. Compassion. Appreciation. Hope. Healing.
There is a light that shines in some people compelling them to set aside their own fears and reservations, while selflessly they run directly into tragedy and crisis situations. Why do they do this? Because someone needs their help. They are our healthcare providers, our EMT’s, our clergy, our police, our firefighters, our mental healthcare providers, our teachers, and our military service people. These people face danger head-on, without regret of consequence and they serve us with the highest level of sacrifice every single day. These people are Compassionate Responders and it is our mission to ensure they are connected, appreciated and have hope.
There is a light that shines in some people compelling them to set aside their own fears and reservations, while selflessly they run directly into tragedy and crisis situations. Why do they do this? Because someone needs their help. They are our healthcare providers, our EMT’s, our clergy, our police, our firefighters, our mental healthcare providers, our teachers, and our military service people. These people face danger head-on, without regret of consequence and they serve us with the highest level of sacrifice every single day. These people are Compassionate Responders and it is our mission to ensure they are connected, appreciated and have hope.
When people feel appreciated, when they feel connected, when they feel loved, hope is given a chance to flourish.
Our Purpose
A Place for Hope and Healing’s sole purpose is to reach out to these Compassionate Responders and do two things:
A Place for Hope and Healing’s sole purpose is to reach out to these Compassionate Responders and do two things:
- Help them all to experience our appreciation and encouragement.
- Help those whose hope may be wavering feel restored and hopeful again.
Because they are there to save us, protect us, and carry us through difficult times, we all should be there for them and be bold to walk alongside them when they need someone to be there.
Do you know about the Welcome Home Initiative?
WELCOME HOME INITIATIVE® services (WHI) are a three day retreat for war-zone veterans who may be suffering in varying degrees of post-trauma stress and moral/soul injury. The format is to assist veterans (and spouses) to accomplish essential spiritual and emotional healing from combat related post-traumatic stress (PTS) as a complement to medical, psychiatric and social services already in place — assuring them of a welcoming and safe place. The program is geared to help every participant know and experience that they are “welcomed home” in every sense. For more information please take a look: |